"Scotland Yard deployed more than 1,500 officers seven times the number on November 10 to control hordes of students smashing windows of government buildings and scrawling graffiti on the walls" this shows the idea that because the positions of power have changed the police must get reinforcements in order to calm the students thus showing the power change.
This is the theory of cultural hegemony by Gramsci 1930 which states that various social classes have more authority over another group for example The police have control over anyones actions or deviant behaviour not matter what there age,class or race is. So in this case with the tuition fees rising students are going to be less likely to afford their place at a university with most not being in a high class which means they are unable to afford to go. This obviously means that the students will do whatever they can to get the decision to change so they almost reject the cultural hegemony and turn in on its head by fighting back with their riots.
The students creating the riot over tuition fees have been represented in the article from The Daily Mail in a very negative way. The headline for the article as quotes “Rage of the girl rioters: Britain’s students take to the streets again – and this time women are leading the charge” from the media have begun by stating it was girls who were causing the main chaos of the riot which you wouldn’t normally expect which is rather stereotypical as you would expect boys to begun a riot such as this one. . This example shows the way how Stanley Cohen defined what a moral panic was and how it begun and escalated and how the media
However within the small section at the bottum of the article, it explains that a young girl stands up to the riot risking her life and limbs. When reading this small statement you suddenly feel for the students as not everyone there is causing a riot they are generally there to stop the tution fees increasing.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
Moral panic
This is a classic example of a moral panic-
James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 – 12 February 1993) was a two-year-old boy from kirkby, Mersyside, England, who was anducted, tortured and murdered. The perpetrators were two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982). Bulger disappeared on 12 February 1993 from the new strand shopping centre, bottle, while accompanying his mother. His mutilated body was found on a railway line in nearby walton on 14 February. Thompson and Venables were charged on 20 February 1993 with the abduction and murder.
This became a moral pani as everyone was starting to worry about there children and everyone else around them. The media react negativly towards the victuims and people starting reacting nagativly towards anyone that was on the sex offenders list or who had aducted children this is known as CULTURAL HEGEMONY.
James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 – 12 February 1993) was a two-year-old boy from kirkby, Mersyside, England, who was anducted, tortured and murdered. The perpetrators were two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982). Bulger disappeared on 12 February 1993 from the new strand shopping centre, bottle, while accompanying his mother. His mutilated body was found on a railway line in nearby walton on 14 February. Thompson and Venables were charged on 20 February 1993 with the abduction and murder.
This became a moral pani as everyone was starting to worry about there children and everyone else around them. The media react negativly towards the victuims and people starting reacting nagativly towards anyone that was on the sex offenders list or who had aducted children this is known as CULTURAL HEGEMONY.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Hippies - 1960 till the 1966 - The hippies wore tie dyed clothing and wore only organic and clothes that were not made from any substance from animals. They enjoyed going to festivals like Glanstenbury and liked listening to music such as THE WHO.
Mods - Late 1950 till the 1960's - The mods wore italian tailer made suits and enjoyed looking sophisticated. They enjoyed riding the motorbikes around the seaside scenery, and every so often they would meet up with the Rockers to start a feud this always ended up with people getting arrested and paople getting hurt.
Rockers - 1950 till the 1970's - The rockers wore leather jackets with brylcream in there hair and doctor martion shoes. There leather jacket often contained safety pins and massive studs. There idols where Elvis Presly and The beatles. The often meet the Mods down down at deserlate locations, the most well known meeting was at Brighton where many people got arrested and fined.
Skinheads - 1960's till the 1977 - Skinheads got there name from have a close shaven or bald head. They had many tattoos and wore t-shirt, flight jacket, jean, Dr.martins and braces. They enjoyed listening to a band known as the 2 TONE.
Ravers - 1970 till the 1980 - The ravers where hardcore party animals and enjoyed getting stoned and drunk, this happened on a general bases. The ravers like to listen to music like THE NAILS.
Gamers - 1970's till present - Gamers are well known for people who spend hours a day on computer games or as known today on social network sites. Gamers are still present today and infact are more widely known today this is because technology is growing and becoming more advance. It started of when people were obesesed with playing PAC MAN.
Punk - 1975 till present- Punks where known for having outrages hair and bold make-up. They wore bright neon colours or just black clothing. They listened to Garage music or punk rock. The pucks are kost commonly know for the dancing moshing.
Goth - 1982 till present - Punks are know for having dark dull make up and wearing completely black and over the top clothing. They enjoy listening to music such as SLIP KNOT and enjoy preaching to the spirits and talking to the dead.
EMO`s - 1985 till present - EMO stands for emotional hardcore. EMO`s are know for wearing bright colours with darks colours and have outragoues coloured hair. There make-up was very extreme and false. In the late 80`s EMO`s where known for glamoursing salf harm and suicede.
Skaters - 1990`s till present - skaters are often similare to punk except they enjoy hardcore sport such as skatebording and roller blading. They genereally wore old clothing with rips and mud all over them and wore a beanie to cover there head.
what simlarties exist between youth cultures?
Each groups likes to follow there own style and expresses there emotions through there appearance.
what can you learn form the lenght of time they were active for?
From each group i have learnt that back when the youth culture were about they were very big and made a huge statement in there time.
why do youth cultures exist?
Youth cultures exsit because young adults and teenagers are aloud to express themselves through there appearance and the culture the belong to.
Prediction on how youth culture may change.
My prediction is that youth culture is going to become more diverse due to the fact as technology is growing and there is alot more pressure to fit in, the youth are going to make a statement to show that they are a individual and are wanting to follow themselves not what other people have. As technology is growing more people are competing with one another to try and have upto date technology. So i believe as technology and opinions are changing in the world more people are going to become anti social and more aggressive.
How is the authority figure in Human Traffic Represented?
The authority of Jips mother and her client are shown in very differemt views. One view is that Jips mother is a sterotypical mum, Caring ,Protective and enjoy`s having her son around. However her job makes her seem on a lower social class and makes us the viewer have a negative view on her because she is a prostitute. Just because she has a lower class job, she still has a higher authority figure because when Jip says "i am leaving now mum." His mother persuades him to stay. It is a completly different view for Jips mothers client, Jip has imagines the client in his car talking down to him, this is shown by a low angle from Jips point of view. The client is talking aggressive with no care for Jip and his feelings, with the man wearing formal clothing it makes him on a higher social class , this is a classic example of Cultural Hegemony. Cultural Hegemony is when a social class is dominated by another socila class - Bourgesis and proterterate.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Inside a magazine

- Bold distinctive colours
- Promoting the CD of the artist
- Prices of the Cd itself from HMV
- The colour of the background tells us the viewer what sort of genre this CD`s are.
- The image in the background is selling the artist and promoting her CD and also her style. By this i mean people will start dressing and acting like her because they ahve repeatable seen her in a magzine.
- The CD`s are not level which makes them stand out more and make them more individual.
- Not just promoting one age but a whole range. E.G. The Cindy lauper CD is aimed at adults as they will remenise on there youth.
Monday, 25 October 2010
The future of media.
I think i the future the media will become more developed and everything will be controlled by some sort of media. Infact this has already happened as windows are becoming computerised and even alot of drawing can now be done on the computer. Before long the media will control our lives which has started to take place now as the average time a person has spent on the media per week is betwwen 35 to 40 hours per week. So i believe that before long Britain will be dominated by the media.
How can human traffic be a methaphor for the effects and the gratification model of media?
The effects model is the hypodermic model. This sees the audience as duped and doped. Human traffic can be a metaphor to the gratifications model, which could mean in this case the idea of drug use can be over thrown and can be looked at as an ok thing to do and over throw the dangers of taking drugs, just the positives things of why the characters should take drugs . The hypodermic model is injecting the behaviour of the characters with the HUMAN TRAFFIC. In part of the film the characters are saying how they get confidence and can talk to complete strangers this is extremly dangerous as anything can happen to people taking drugs as they are vunerable.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Cd advertisment

- Main attraction is the artist herself.
- The artist is wearing a white dress against a dark background which makes her stand out even more.
- Explains brief information about the artist music but ends so it will lead you on wanting more.
- The artist is the same height as the magazine which mean she has more control, which will lead to you focusing on her and not the other information of bands around her.
- Will not just draw female characters but also Male's as they will look at Beyonce as a sexual fantasy.
- The image on the magazine is very striking as the artist is looking directly at you which give you both a connection.
- Her name is bold and in your face which makes it all about her.
- A caption above BEYONCE say "our women of the year" this will automatically draw you in because you want to know why she is the women of the year?
Monday, 18 October 2010
Human Traffic
Do you think Human Traffic encourges or glorfies drug use?
Personally i believe that Human Traffic does glorfir drug use and people will absorb and copy what they are veiwing on the film. This is know as the Hypordermic Syringe model.
The Hypodermic syringe model is a theory which is bacically injecting you with violence or anitsocial behaviour within films, TV, Games and even music lyrics. I believe that is a young child or adult is watching human traffic they are more likely to think that the behaviour is acceptable. Another example ofthe Hypodermic syringe model would be the Jamie Bulger case. The Kamie Bulger case involed a 2 year old boy being abducted, attaked then murdered. Many sociologists and people within the medai said it was down to the 2 boys watching Child play 3.
However not everyone will look at Human Traffic and say it is glorifing and encourging drugs as they may see the negative side of the drug use. For example - When the young adults are taking drugs later after they have taken them they have a come down. With the audience viewing the come down they will see the negative affect adn relises that it is not ideal to take drugs. Also the close up at the beggining of all the main characters - Jip Tell use he view and says he cant get it up ,if a male was watching this he would see an extremly negative side as his sex life would be affected.
Personally i believe that Human Traffic does glorfir drug use and people will absorb and copy what they are veiwing on the film. This is know as the Hypordermic Syringe model.
The Hypodermic syringe model is a theory which is bacically injecting you with violence or anitsocial behaviour within films, TV, Games and even music lyrics. I believe that is a young child or adult is watching human traffic they are more likely to think that the behaviour is acceptable. Another example ofthe Hypodermic syringe model would be the Jamie Bulger case. The Kamie Bulger case involed a 2 year old boy being abducted, attaked then murdered. Many sociologists and people within the medai said it was down to the 2 boys watching Child play 3.
However not everyone will look at Human Traffic and say it is glorifing and encourging drugs as they may see the negative side of the drug use. For example - When the young adults are taking drugs later after they have taken them they have a come down. With the audience viewing the come down they will see the negative affect adn relises that it is not ideal to take drugs. Also the close up at the beggining of all the main characters - Jip Tell use he view and says he cant get it up ,if a male was watching this he would see an extremly negative side as his sex life would be affected.
This is our filming timing for each individual scene of our characters.
Wednesday 20th October - filming small snippets of Sam and Danii. (This is the main scenes needed for our music)
Thursday 21st October - Filming individual scenes of Danii .( This is the scenes when Danii is grieving and looking back on the memories)
Friday 22nd October - Filming scene in graveyard
Due to Carly's commitments and our busy schedule we are filming her scene after the half term.
Edit -
Due to our actresses we have agreed to film all our video next monday 25th october this will gives a whole day to film all the footage and reduce the risk of having our characters in different outfits and different hair styles.
However we will still be filming Carly after we come back as we need to decorate the sound booth before she performs.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Do people copy things they see in films, TV and computer games?
Columbine 1999
In April 1999, two students took guns and bombs into their school – Columbine in Colorado – and killed 13 people. A number of media influences have been cited by supporters of the hypodermic syringe model as being primarily responsible for the boys actions such as playing the computer game DOOM, listening to the violent lyrics of Marilyn Manson and watching violent films, moist notably The Basket ball diaries.
My personal opinion is that I believe you learn the negative affect of the violent in films rather than pick up on there behaviour by this I mean you will see the result if you commit a certain crime.
In the future I believe there will be more crime only due to the fact that more and more people are getting away with it not the fact that they are being influenced by the media.
Abducted toddler 1993
On the 12th February 1993, two 10 year old boys abducted a toddler James Bulger from a shopping mall in Liverpool. They tortured and killed him, according to the tabloid press, by mimicking scenes from a video – CHILD PLAY 3. This again links to the Hypodermic syringe model.
For this personal opinion for this story is that it is down to bad parenting not the film. At this age the children should not be watching this movie.
I believe in the future the age limit for horrors/thrillers will become increasingly higher.
Columbine 1999
In April 1999, two students took guns and bombs into their school – Columbine in Colorado – and killed 13 people. A number of media influences have been cited by supporters of the hypodermic syringe model as being primarily responsible for the boys actions such as playing the computer game DOOM, listening to the violent lyrics of Marilyn Manson and watching violent films, moist notably The Basket ball diaries.
My personal opinion is that I believe you learn the negative affect of the violent in films rather than pick up on there behaviour by this I mean you will see the result if you commit a certain crime.
In the future I believe there will be more crime only due to the fact that more and more people are getting away with it not the fact that they are being influenced by the media.
Abducted toddler 1993
On the 12th February 1993, two 10 year old boys abducted a toddler James Bulger from a shopping mall in Liverpool. They tortured and killed him, according to the tabloid press, by mimicking scenes from a video – CHILD PLAY 3. This again links to the Hypodermic syringe model.
For this personal opinion for this story is that it is down to bad parenting not the film. At this age the children should not be watching this movie.
I believe in the future the age limit for horrors/thrillers will become increasingly higher.
Human traffic
Human Traffic
There are similar shots at the begin which creates a negative affect of the youths. The close-up of each character as they a being creative only shows the negative side of the getting drunk or high but not working or doing something rewarding to them.
The uses of drug shows that they are trying to escape from any stress around there workplace or in some cases the education. This still has a negative effect although they are using it for personal reasons they are also in a small clip using it to get pleasure this is shown when it is the weekend, when they are all in a club. Also when the young girl is working in a burger bar they are all doing the robot this doesn’t really show the stereotypical side of the youths culture.
The value of friendship is shown as they stick together as a group and if someone is in trouble they help out. This really co- notates Britain as the friendship within Britain is very close.
This film is British to only because they had placed the national anthems music in a small clip but written there own lyrics over the top. To me this really reminds me of the royal family and England itself.
The main shot that stood out to me is the close-ups showing each character. This is very affective towards the audience as the audience can gain a rapport with the characters and get a better understanding of what they are like and how they act in society. However this is not very positive as it shows then either getting high, drunk or rebelling, this will have a negative affect on the children as they can pick up on the behaviour this is know as the Hypodermic syringe model.
There are similar shots at the begin which creates a negative affect of the youths. The close-up of each character as they a being creative only shows the negative side of the getting drunk or high but not working or doing something rewarding to them.
The uses of drug shows that they are trying to escape from any stress around there workplace or in some cases the education. This still has a negative effect although they are using it for personal reasons they are also in a small clip using it to get pleasure this is shown when it is the weekend, when they are all in a club. Also when the young girl is working in a burger bar they are all doing the robot this doesn’t really show the stereotypical side of the youths culture.
The value of friendship is shown as they stick together as a group and if someone is in trouble they help out. This really co- notates Britain as the friendship within Britain is very close.
This film is British to only because they had placed the national anthems music in a small clip but written there own lyrics over the top. To me this really reminds me of the royal family and England itself.
The main shot that stood out to me is the close-ups showing each character. This is very affective towards the audience as the audience can gain a rapport with the characters and get a better understanding of what they are like and how they act in society. However this is not very positive as it shows then either getting high, drunk or rebelling, this will have a negative affect on the children as they can pick up on the behaviour this is know as the Hypodermic syringe model.

Danii Hall as the daughter

Sam Hall as her mother
Extras as other family members
Carly Jones as herself
Extras as other family members
Carly Jones as herself

Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
costume,make-up and props.
Props -
- Locket with image of daughter and mother
- family photos
- scrap book
- letter from mother
- each characters costumes
- make-up
- mobile phone for home video
- flour
- filming equipment
- microphone
- headphones
Costume -
- Casual clothing - jeans, t-shirt etc.
- when showing she has cancer she will where a head scarf
Daughter -
- Casual clothing - jeans,t-shirt etc
- hoodie and jeans when crying on bed
- Long black dress
- black heels
Make-up -
Each character will have similar make-up very natural and simple. However when mother is ill she will have pale make-up on and the same when daughter is upset. Carly will have glamorous make-up as she is the artist selling the song.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Friday, 1 October 2010
skills and development.
Digital Technology.
- With a digital video camera you are able to record an everyday situation or use it to produce various types of film genres,music videos etc. When using sound in footage i am able to cut to the right position i am happy with and extend the sound when needed. I can also fade the digetic and non digetic sound when needed and i am able to record over the sound/music. when using final cut express i was able to put my imagination to the test, as there was various amounts of different technologies i was able to explore and use. My favourite editing technique i used was being able to take the colour out of my moving images. We only used a digital camera for a planning as we took photographs of our actors/actress.
- I have developed many skills over my time creating and producing the task i was given. The main skill i have learned is how to become more creative with using the editing software and becoming more adventurous when filming For example; using a variety of different camera angles and shooting in different location.
- The one good thing about using this software is there is a lot more techniques i am able to experiment with however the one bad thing is the capturing of the footage , sometimes i didn't capture any of the moving image. Personally i think our As media project was at low standard as the only creative part was the make-up chosen this was because we hit a lot of problems on the way and had no backup plan , due to this this year we have been more careful about who we use and the location chosen. However i did think i narrative was very creative as it was different from the other groups.
- For our primary task we watched a various amount of thriller/horrors to get an idea of the techniques used and the different mise en scene used. For secondary research i analysed different companies that produced thrillers/horrors to get an understanding of what they like in movies For example; Lions gate. if i was able to improve i would choose my actors/actresses more wisely and take time when producing my planning as i felt rather unorganised.
- I used the Internet for research on other industries and there work and to also view and to also watch trailers on youtube for other thrillers/horrors however personally i could have been more organized when researching my work. We made sure we where editing during lessons and during 2 of our free lessons, however because i only took 3 As classes i was able to do a little bit more as my other team members had 4 As levels. The techniques we used where fairly basic, by this i mean simply just using the editing software to take colour out and and different transitions in for example; Fade ,Dissolve, cut, colour fade.
- For my evaluation i made a video about what i thought about my video if i could improve it i would add more clips in to back up my argument and give more evidence.
- I personally think it is not possible as to make it understandable for the audience you will need to show a stereotypical horror/thriller, by this i mean using gore or high pitched screams and music that is very tense and awkward. When filming our trailer we used as many conventions as possible for example; blood , a death scene, dramatic music etc.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
planning filming
Will be updated every time we film:
22/9/2010: will hopefully be filming next week on the 29th and the 30th
Question one:
Males received 10
Females received 10
Question two:
13-15 received 2
16-18 received 16
19+ received 2
Question three:
Daily = 20
Weekly = 0
Monthly = 0
Question four:
rock = 1
pop = 10
dance = 5
hippie = 2
reggae = 1
Question five:
punk = 1
Question six:
Relaxing = 9
Fun = 9
Soothing = 1
Entertaining = 1
This shows that pop is a highly liked genre while things like Reggae and Rock aren't. it also shows that people listen to music everyday thus it helps us understand that we ned ours to be unique and effective as they listen to songs all the time, this in turn means that ours needs to speed up.
1] are you male or female?
male female
2] what age group do you belong in?
13-15 16-18 19+
3] How often would you say you listen to music?
daily weekly monthly
4] What genre of music do you prefer? [tick one]
rock pop dance hippie reggae other
5] If stated other please state your choice?
6] Can you explain why you listen to music?
Thank you for taking part :P
This questionnaire helps our group understand the most popular trends going on and that moment so that we can apply it to our music video thus making it more liked.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Our artists youtube account.
Here is a link to my artists CARLY JONES account. Here you are able to see covers of songs she has done and the song sha has written for us.
Here is a link to my artists CARLY JONES account. Here you are able to see covers of songs she has done and the song sha has written for us.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Unfinished essay

MTV is an American network based in New york city that launched in August 1, 1981.
MTV attracts over 10 million viewers a day in the United Kingdom household. Out of these viewers the age range is between 16-25, whereas back in the 80's when it was a big attraction to the t.v is attracted a wider range of audiences. This could be because music videos are becoming more xplicit and offensive rather than fun and exciting for example; Kesha's song "Tik Tok" this video shows a young girl getting drunk, not caring and being very aggressive, whereas back in the 80's a classic example of a fun exciting video would be Cyndi Lauper "Girls just wanna have fun" This shows a girl who is going out with friends and having fun but not drinking or becoming aggressive. So as you can see music videos are becoming more negative than positive, parents would raise the concern that if there child was to watch that video would they then pick up on the artists actions? As you can see the logo is black which is quite dull but straight to the point, however if the company wanted to attract a younger audience they would use bright interesting colours. For example;

As you can see this logo is bright ,pink and very girly and you can quite clearly see this is aimed at young girls, you would see this even if the text "GIRL" was taken out. By looking at this logo you can also clearly see that the genre of the music would be pop and very girly for example- The Saturdays. Whereas MTV has no colour and is representing both genders. However unlike POP GIRL this doesn't really state what music is going to be shown as there is no selected genre. By having no selected genre they are attracting a wider range of audiences as they are showing a selected genre which will attract not only both gender groups but a wider range of different sub-cultures.
MTV website advertises up coming events, music and exclusive interviews and music videos . The website has colours for both genders and also advertising women singers like Cheryl Cole to male singers like Aggro Santas, this will interest both genders as male will use the male gaze pver Cheryl Cole and women will look and Aggro Santas as a sexual fanatsy. However browsing through MTV's website i have noticed that there is more information for males rather than females For example ; There is allot more female pictures on the website which be more appealing to men as they will look the image up and down this backed up Mulveys theory about the male gaze .This website would defiantly have the approval of there target audience as it shows everything about themselves and there music.
The playlist during the day are generally the UK`s top 20 or something else along that lineThe music is generally the same music thoughout the course of the morning for example :
The music is usally newer music like Diana Vickers or Olly murs, there music is generally very soft
and subtle whereas if you compare them to someone like Ceelo Green , his mucis is more offensive and aggresive. Here is a link to his offensive song rather than his radio edit
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc0mxOXbWIU . This was would appeal to there target audience but the more younger audience as they would more likely be there during the day.
The playlist during the evening is far more upbeat and the music is way more aggressive and the lyrics are more offensive for example KESHA her lyrics are offensive towards the younger generation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXVlXSaEXao&feature=fvst this music video contains a young girl rebelling in her life .It shows the negative view on young adults as there are no video clips of her at college or university.
Media Theorist
Mr. Stiles lesson
Male gaze - Male audience look at female characters as a sex symbol for visual pleasure ( shot for males)
Children or other audiences will pick an object rather than focusing on the main focus of the film. in other words just looking at stuff.
The audience don't see themselves they see someone else, they see an image that is better than themselves and strive to achieve that image.
Scopohilia- Pleasure of looking-Freud
Cinematic experience enhance scopophilia- Mulvey ( voyeuristic fantasy)
Image is better than reality- Lacon ( mirror stage)
Lacons mirror is a cinema screen- Mulvey returns- Surrogate screen.
Friday, 17 September 2010
This is a video from Taylor Swift MINE. I was watching MTV HITS and came across this music video i kind of related to ours as it shows her memories. Also like ours it is performance and narrative base. The section when Taylor swift is performing there is photos hanging in the background which gave me the idea of making the section of Carly singing more interesting and relates to the story theme.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
The Vixens
This is a blog site for THE VIXENS you have carried out the same task as us. Looking at there work it has given mye ideas and pointed me in the right direction.
This is a blog site for THE VIXENS you have carried out the same task as us. Looking at there work it has given mye ideas and pointed me in the right direction.
Notting Hill

Story and plot; William Thacker, a travel bookstore owner working and living in Notting Hill, is barely making ends meet. He needs to rent out part of his house, his lodger whom he considers the "stupidest git" in the world. His personal life is equally in shambles as although he has a small group of dear friends, who are on the most part as equally unsuccessful professionally as him, he is divorced - she left him - with no prospect of love on the horizon. His life changes when into his bookstore walks American Anna Scott, arguably the most famous and attractive movie actress in the world. Against the odds, Anna and William become friends with the possibility of romance between the two on the horizon.
Actors; Julia Roberts as Anna Scott
Hugh Grant as William Thacker
This are the two big starts which are used in the film, this is an ideal way of selling your film by using big artists.
Director; Roger michell born in South africa but is currently living in England - The most recent film Roger has produced is Morning glory, which is about A struggling news anchor quits his job on a revamped news channel and is hired by a young producer looking to revive a failing morning show. Little does he know that his old rival has also been hired.
Genre; To me this film is a romatic comedy because it is humours and very romantic, especially when the stars first meet.
Distribution; This film is also distributed by Universal pictures which as i siad early is the perfect way to sell there film as it is a well known company to distribute there film to there target audience.
This film was realsed on May 21st 1999 in the UK this is a Unique selling point as it is a english film set in England.
Here is the offical Notting Hill trailer;
Robin hood 2010

Story line and plot: Birth of a legend. Following King Richard's death in France, archer Robin Longstride, along with Will Scarlett, Alan-a-Dale and Little John, returns to England. They encounter the dying Robert of Locksley, whose party was ambushed by treacherous Godfrey, who hopes to facilitate a French invasion of England. Robin promises the dying knight he will return his sword to his father Walter in Nottingham. Here Walter encourages him to impersonate the dead man to prevent his land being confiscated by the crown, and he finds himself with Marian, a ready-made wife.
This story line relates to britishness because of King Richard and because of the past. This typical story tells us about the feud in the 13th centry in England.
Actors; Russel crowe as Robin
Cate blanchett as Marian
Oscar Issac as Prince John
Mark Addy as frier tuck
Mattew macfadyen as Sheriff of Nottingham
These are just a few main actors/actresses
Director ; Ridley Scott English director - other films he has been involved in is Gladitator very similar layout to Robin Hood and Legend. To me both this films have a relation with Robin Hood.
Genre; I would class this genre as action and drama i say this because there is pleaty of fighting and shows alot of information about the 13th centry. Personally this film reminds me of King Arthur this is just because of the fighting scences and the time when it was set.
The company that distributed Robin Hood was Universal Pictures, this is an extremly well known company adn would attract a wide range of audiences.
The offical website - http://www.robinhoodthemovie.com/
Here is a link to the trailer which was revealed to the audience-
This story line relates to britishness because of King Richard and because of the past. This typical story tells us about the feud in the 13th centry in England.
Actors; Russel crowe as Robin
Cate blanchett as Marian
Oscar Issac as Prince John
Mark Addy as frier tuck
Mattew macfadyen as Sheriff of Nottingham
These are just a few main actors/actresses
Director ; Ridley Scott English director - other films he has been involved in is Gladitator very similar layout to Robin Hood and Legend. To me both this films have a relation with Robin Hood.
Genre; I would class this genre as action and drama i say this because there is pleaty of fighting and shows alot of information about the 13th centry. Personally this film reminds me of King Arthur this is just because of the fighting scences and the time when it was set.
The company that distributed Robin Hood was Universal Pictures, this is an extremly well known company adn would attract a wide range of audiences.
The offical website - http://www.robinhoodthemovie.com/
Here is a link to the trailer which was revealed to the audience-
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
final idea
Lyrics and visuals
Verse 1 - Kneeling at the grave (colour), locket in hadn spinnig, whilst happening small clip of Carly singing in the studio, when locket drops into the river everything turns black and white.
Chorus - Sitting in bed crying over photos, tear drop falls onto image adn thats when she finds a happy memory of her and her mum having a flour fight. ( zoom into photo act out photo)
Verse 2 - flour fight, fade, helping daughter with homework ( food tech cooking a cake recipe ) hense the flour fight. Zoom out of the photos on bed.
Chorus - look at home video on mobile of her and her mum then cut to front fade adn carly start singing in studio.
Verse 3 -sitting on bench - open scrap book read letter near the river. carly sings last 2 line till "END"- back to locket in the water. hand picks up (colour) puts round neck and walks into a tunnel.
Verse 1 - Kneeling at the grave (colour), locket in hadn spinnig, whilst happening small clip of Carly singing in the studio, when locket drops into the river everything turns black and white.
Chorus - Sitting in bed crying over photos, tear drop falls onto image adn thats when she finds a happy memory of her and her mum having a flour fight. ( zoom into photo act out photo)
Verse 2 - flour fight, fade, helping daughter with homework ( food tech cooking a cake recipe ) hense the flour fight. Zoom out of the photos on bed.
Chorus - look at home video on mobile of her and her mum then cut to front fade adn carly start singing in studio.
Verse 3 -sitting on bench - open scrap book read letter near the river. carly sings last 2 line till "END"- back to locket in the water. hand picks up (colour) puts round neck and walks into a tunnel.

- The main attraction of this magazine is OLLY MURS. Having this photograph of this artist allows him to connect with a wider audience and shows his commitment to his fans because he is modelling for a gay magazine. The photo is central allowing the first gaze at the magazine to be OLLY MURS. Having the photograph central it is a big selling point for the magazine as this photograph is classed as EYE CANDY. Having the text saying HOT beside the image makes everyone look directly at the image and allows them to put there own opinion of the artist and what they think about him and his songs. Having the text in the same colour throughout the cover is gives it a more basic layout and more approachable perspective. Having a background very simple it makes the main focus of the magazine stand out, which on this cover is the photograph of OLLY MURS. This photograph will not only promote the magazine but also make Olly have a bigger fan base as he is posing for a Gay magazine not just heterosexual magazines allowing his fan base to enhance. Having other stories around the edge of the magazine it is creating a teaser pulling the audience into the magazine to view the image and to asses the stories.
CD anaylese

- The advertisement of artist is the main selling point of the DIJIPAK itself as having the artist repeated 7 times on the front of the CD cover. Having each one of the images expressing different emotions , it allows the audience to have a connection with the artist and the also portray the emotion of the song through his images. Females will look at this single cover as a sexual fantasy because many girls will look at the images and asses the looks of the artist. Again as i said earlier having him staring into the camera it is connecting to the girls and will enhance them to buy the CD. The design and layout of this single cover is very simple, having the single cover simplistic there is a greater chance of the audience understanding the emotion behind the song and the emotion the images are portraying towards the audience. Having a simple cover it allows all the focus to me on the artist and nothing else. The natural colours of this DIJIPAK almost promotes the artist opinion of how he is viewing the song FOR EXAMPLE - Having a relaxed colour shows us that the approach the artist wants us to have with the song which is a relaxed atmosphere. On the DIJIPAK there is not just one image of the artist but multiple this is a unique selling point and is not only promoting the song but also the artist. A theorist Mulvey supports the idea about the male gaze, however this goes against his point unless homosexual, because this photo supports the female gaze because the way in which the artist is looking into the audience. Having the singles name on the front of the DIJIPAK allows the audience to quickly identify the song, instead of browsing through the DIJIPAK wanting to know what the title is. The photos down the side look like they have been taken in a photo booth at the city as they are lined up that way, this creates a relaxed approach to the audience and shows the personality of the artist to the audience. OLLY MURS is in a different colour to the title which makes it stand out more and shows the audience exactly who the artist is. The photos taken look natural by this i mean they don't look like they have been modelled, having natural photographs supports my view of having a relaxed atmosphere and emotion. Just by just looking at this album the target audience looks like it is aimed at young females because of how the main photo of the artist is gazing into the audience and creating a connection with his fans.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
- Teaser pulls audience in
- Tips on the hot summer look
- bold titles stand out
- all colour and text are very similar
- price
- big stories are bold
- artical on taylor swift
- you can clearly see this magazine is aimed at females just because of the colouir,celebraties and information around the side E.G. fashion
- aimed at females
- advertisment of clothes and there stores
- main focus of this magazine cover is Taylor swift, By placing her on the front of the magazine you are automatically bringing in a big audience. By this i mean, you will have the regular buyers of "SUGAR" and also Taylor Swift fans.
- Big shock stories, however this shows there target audience "TEENS"
- lots of colour to attract your audience, however this is depending on the age group.
CD analyses

- Very simple and straight to the point
- shows the artist herself
- aimed at a femal audience
- Her name looks like it has been writen on which makes it m,ore personal to her.
- To me her hair on this photo is pointing left and right which to me its telliong us to open the CD
- However malkes may buy this because they will look at the photo as a sexual fantasy also know as the male gaze.
- Natural colours
- Name - "FEARLESS" has a black shadow draws you to it.
- Background matches the colour of her hair
- Representation of sexuality - she has no eye contact with you which makes it more secretative as you want to know want she is looking at.
Media Theory
Perplexing or Perplexation
Toni Hall 2010
Something which is odd or perculer which makes an entertaining enviroment.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
This is our selected song from our artist Carly Jones.
Lyrics:[Verse 1]
How can you describe your sight to someone whose never seen Impossible, like trying to feel when you're numb from head to to Like chasing the universe No awareness of space or time like trying to describe when my heart is racing faster than the speed of light
[Chorus]Why should I have to have a reason to smile
Why should I have to have a reason... to smile
[Verse 2]
So confused taking pieces from different puzzles time passes by, like any other day language of the soul music to me close up faded dots..step back and take the picture in
[Bridge]Letters from the words. words from the sentence Sentence from the page, a chapter in the book Running over the logic again in my head It doesn't make sense. The story ends.
This is our selected song from our artist Carly Jones.
Lyrics:[Verse 1]
How can you describe your sight to someone whose never seen Impossible, like trying to feel when you're numb from head to to Like chasing the universe No awareness of space or time like trying to describe when my heart is racing faster than the speed of light
[Chorus]Why should I have to have a reason to smile
Why should I have to have a reason... to smile
[Verse 2]
So confused taking pieces from different puzzles time passes by, like any other day language of the soul music to me close up faded dots..step back and take the picture in
[Bridge]Letters from the words. words from the sentence Sentence from the page, a chapter in the book Running over the logic again in my head It doesn't make sense. The story ends.
This is a music video me and 3 of my friends created during our free time. It is called Mash Up and it is a selection of our favourite songs. This was a perfect opportunity for me to use ideas and experiment before my final music video. We have used a varity of different camera angles and effects .
This is a music video me and 3 of my friends created during our free time. It is called Mash Up and it is a selection of our favourite songs. This was a perfect opportunity for me to use ideas and experiment before my final music video. We have used a varity of different camera angles and effects .
Monday, 12 July 2010
Eaxmple of Carly Jones !
This is an example of our artist Carly Jones. To me her music is more aimed at older generation as she sings with alot of emotion to make the lyrics seem more realasitic. The music is at a slow pass which suits her voice i can see her music selling to mothers this is because it is quite soothing music and is very relaxing so for a mother who takes care of her children and carries out her domestic role it is a place to go and relax and push all your thoughts away.
This is an example of our artist Carly Jones. To me her music is more aimed at older generation as she sings with alot of emotion to make the lyrics seem more realasitic. The music is at a slow pass which suits her voice i can see her music selling to mothers this is because it is quite soothing music and is very relaxing so for a mother who takes care of her children and carries out her domestic role it is a place to go and relax and push all your thoughts away.
Research for our music video.
Notes for the planning of our music video!
Artist- Carly Jones
Age- 15
Occupation- Student at Reepham high school
First I looked at “Empire state of mind” by Alicia Keys this influenced us as the music and lyrics are similar to thee ones in which Carly writes. When we first came across Carly we found her on www.woho.net.com , we listened to the songs she sung however they we all traditional songs from well known stars around the country E.G. Florence and the machine – Howl. We could not use this song as we were asked to find an artist who has written there own music and lyrics. Me and my group then went and spoke to her and asked her if she writes her own music and with luck on our side she said she did. When I first heard her music it reminded me of Alicia Keys Empire state of mind, just because of the tune and some of the lyrics. We were extremely happy when Carly agreed to sing for us as we can do a photo shoot with her and make our music video performance based.
Initial Ideas
• From hearing her style of music I really have a image in my head of her playing on a dark stage with nothing else around her bar a piano and her.
• Dress code – Black dress, very formal. The aim is to get her looking very professional.
• We have spoken to a make-up artist about doing her make up and we have also spoken to a hair stylist to do her hair for us. They have both agreed and are willing to help us through our music video.
• The location we have looked at is in the high school with the piano however the piano is NOT on the stage so we are using the recording music room with a long board placed around the room with a black sheet with small lights coming through which makes the scene looks more sophisticated and will make the scene more calm and will make Carly stand out .
• However this may change depending on how Carly feels as we want her to feel as comfortable as possible. E.G. She may not want to sing live she may want to lip sync.
• Another problem is we don’t want our video to be boring so we after hearing her song and analyzing the lyrics we will then decide whether we need more of a narrative based than performance.
Artist- Carly Jones
Age- 15
Occupation- Student at Reepham high school
First I looked at “Empire state of mind” by Alicia Keys this influenced us as the music and lyrics are similar to thee ones in which Carly writes. When we first came across Carly we found her on www.woho.net.com , we listened to the songs she sung however they we all traditional songs from well known stars around the country E.G. Florence and the machine – Howl. We could not use this song as we were asked to find an artist who has written there own music and lyrics. Me and my group then went and spoke to her and asked her if she writes her own music and with luck on our side she said she did. When I first heard her music it reminded me of Alicia Keys Empire state of mind, just because of the tune and some of the lyrics. We were extremely happy when Carly agreed to sing for us as we can do a photo shoot with her and make our music video performance based.
Initial Ideas
• From hearing her style of music I really have a image in my head of her playing on a dark stage with nothing else around her bar a piano and her.
• Dress code – Black dress, very formal. The aim is to get her looking very professional.
• We have spoken to a make-up artist about doing her make up and we have also spoken to a hair stylist to do her hair for us. They have both agreed and are willing to help us through our music video.
• The location we have looked at is in the high school with the piano however the piano is NOT on the stage so we are using the recording music room with a long board placed around the room with a black sheet with small lights coming through which makes the scene looks more sophisticated and will make the scene more calm and will make Carly stand out .
• However this may change depending on how Carly feels as we want her to feel as comfortable as possible. E.G. She may not want to sing live she may want to lip sync.
• Another problem is we don’t want our video to be boring so we after hearing her song and analyzing the lyrics we will then decide whether we need more of a narrative based than performance.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Wavin flag- K`Naan
Wavin Flag – K` Naan feat Will .I. am and David Guetta
Wavin flag is by a Canadian artist K`Naan who released his first single April 2010. K`Naan music video is the genre Hip-hop and was written for a South African football team in the world cup. The music label that promoted this single was Universal Music group, and was produced by The Smeezingtons. The Smeezingtons produced songs for well known artists such as Sugar babes, Flo-rida and Sean Kingston. In Canada this song got to 2nd position in the chart show out of 100 other songs, however in the UK the Single reached number 1 in the R and B hits in a matter of days after being released. In this song he is taking about his country and other countries around him waving there flags together in the world cup to come a one big family. However writing this song for the South African football team, who is less fortunate than we are. The characteristics I personally expect to find would be a lot of dancing due to the genre and possible be more narrative based with small clips of performance based.
Throughout this music video they tend to repeat the chorus “When I get older, I will be stronger there call me freedom just like a waving flag” however when they are singing “Waving Flag” whilst saying this there is a black flag flying in the background and they are waving there hands as if they are waving an actual flag for there country. However most of his lyrics do not have relationship with visuals as a lot of his lyrics has a meaning behind them E.G. “When I grow older, I will be stronger, I’ll make it stronger.” For the last part of these lyrics he is playing with a young black girl, and there I a mid shot of her face smiling, this shows he is there to make the community happy as this is a deprived area of the country. You can see this because there is a shot of them walking through the deprived town with the slums and market stalls. There is also another lyric “struggle no longer” the visuals are of him walking into a hotel room getting ready for a concert, this totally contradicts the visual however as you watch in further down the line you can see him performing at his concert and holds up the African flag in pride and glory.
After each beat there is a cut to a new scene E.G. “It’s not far away but for now we say.” Throughout this lyrics there is an aeroplane flying through the air and as soon as the lyric above finishes it automatically cuts to K`Naan singing on a black background. Throughout the whole music video the cuts pretty much cut to the beat of the music allowing us the audience have a better understanding of the relationship between the music and the visuals.
To try and sell this record the production company has had K`Naan the artist to be performing throughout the whole of the music video and also has him performing at his concerts. This allows him to promote his concerts as well as his single. The image the artist is trying to give of is a caring and nurturing character as the song is about helping the less fortunate, You can see this by the visuals as there are images of him hugging young children and sitting in deprived areas. To me this image represents how we take things for granted as there are so many people who are less fortunate than we are, and he shows this through his visuals.
Throughout the whole music video he is not on sexual display as it would totally go against his lyrics to his song. In this video he is very reserved and has kept himself to himself. The re4ason why he has used himself as a sex symbol is because the main focus on his video is the message behind it. This video was made for a South African Football you is less privileged than we are, he shows this through hugging the young children and having a connection with the community.
To me the only intertextual reference I can think of is when you see programmes of celebrities going into a deprived area like “WAGS, kids and world cup dreams” This shows how celebrities are helping the community that suffer with material deprivation, this has a very small link to the video as they are both helping deprived areas.
In conclusion the music video is more of a performance based than a narrative based as most of the clips is him in concert or performing to the audience.
Wavin flag is by a Canadian artist K`Naan who released his first single April 2010. K`Naan music video is the genre Hip-hop and was written for a South African football team in the world cup. The music label that promoted this single was Universal Music group, and was produced by The Smeezingtons. The Smeezingtons produced songs for well known artists such as Sugar babes, Flo-rida and Sean Kingston. In Canada this song got to 2nd position in the chart show out of 100 other songs, however in the UK the Single reached number 1 in the R and B hits in a matter of days after being released. In this song he is taking about his country and other countries around him waving there flags together in the world cup to come a one big family. However writing this song for the South African football team, who is less fortunate than we are. The characteristics I personally expect to find would be a lot of dancing due to the genre and possible be more narrative based with small clips of performance based.
Throughout this music video they tend to repeat the chorus “When I get older, I will be stronger there call me freedom just like a waving flag” however when they are singing “Waving Flag” whilst saying this there is a black flag flying in the background and they are waving there hands as if they are waving an actual flag for there country. However most of his lyrics do not have relationship with visuals as a lot of his lyrics has a meaning behind them E.G. “When I grow older, I will be stronger, I’ll make it stronger.” For the last part of these lyrics he is playing with a young black girl, and there I a mid shot of her face smiling, this shows he is there to make the community happy as this is a deprived area of the country. You can see this because there is a shot of them walking through the deprived town with the slums and market stalls. There is also another lyric “struggle no longer” the visuals are of him walking into a hotel room getting ready for a concert, this totally contradicts the visual however as you watch in further down the line you can see him performing at his concert and holds up the African flag in pride and glory.
After each beat there is a cut to a new scene E.G. “It’s not far away but for now we say.” Throughout this lyrics there is an aeroplane flying through the air and as soon as the lyric above finishes it automatically cuts to K`Naan singing on a black background. Throughout the whole music video the cuts pretty much cut to the beat of the music allowing us the audience have a better understanding of the relationship between the music and the visuals.
To try and sell this record the production company has had K`Naan the artist to be performing throughout the whole of the music video and also has him performing at his concerts. This allows him to promote his concerts as well as his single. The image the artist is trying to give of is a caring and nurturing character as the song is about helping the less fortunate, You can see this by the visuals as there are images of him hugging young children and sitting in deprived areas. To me this image represents how we take things for granted as there are so many people who are less fortunate than we are, and he shows this through his visuals.
Throughout the whole music video he is not on sexual display as it would totally go against his lyrics to his song. In this video he is very reserved and has kept himself to himself. The re4ason why he has used himself as a sex symbol is because the main focus on his video is the message behind it. This video was made for a South African Football you is less privileged than we are, he shows this through hugging the young children and having a connection with the community.
To me the only intertextual reference I can think of is when you see programmes of celebrities going into a deprived area like “WAGS, kids and world cup dreams” This shows how celebrities are helping the community that suffer with material deprivation, this has a very small link to the video as they are both helping deprived areas.
In conclusion the music video is more of a performance based than a narrative based as most of the clips is him in concert or performing to the audience.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Textual Analysis of music video
Katy Perry feat Snoop Dogg – California Gurls
The video I am analysing is Katy Perry feat Snoop Dogg – California Gurls. This Dance-pop song was released on May 7th 2010, with the directors Max Martin, Dr. Luke and Benny Blanco.
At the beginning Snoop Dogg says “Greeting loved ones… Let’s take a Journey!” At this point he is putting the character on the board game. From this point he shows how life is like a game you never know what is round the corner, which helps you understand the music video. This music video doesn’t always show the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals as it shows the representation of sexuality for example: - The first Chorus Katy Perry is laying on her stomach on a candy floss cloud with it covering her bottom , this really shows the sexuality as she then puts her finger in her mouth. To me this shows her trying to be seductive to the male audience, this is also done by her lying on a cloud Naked. A lot of the visuals in this music video is created on the representation of Sexuality or the male gaze by this I mean men see women as sexual objects. Everything within the music video has been turned into a sexual fantasy for example:- When the girls walk to the ginger bread house they are wearing girl scout uniforms but they have been made to attract the male audience and not her stereotypical audience.
The relationship between the music and the visuals is very well constructed. The music is very upbeat and is a dance song whilst the upbeat music is playing the visuals creates a fantasy, non-realistic look. Near the end there is Katy Perry with a group of girls dancing to the song this shows us the audience that the genre of this music is dance-pop and will encourage the audience to join in and dance. The music changes pace when the chorus starts as it is very upbeat compared to the verses, this allows the different transitions change quicker and more accurate instead of having a slower pace of changing. Quite a few of the visuals don’t fit in with the music as the music video is more of a life story and to me has a meaning behind it “ Life is like a fantasy game as you never know what is around the corner!” There is a line near the end of the song which is a perfect example of the relationship between the music and visuals “All that ass hanging out” this is show with a close up of a girls ass in her sparkly shorts which is another sexual display.
Within Katy Perry’s music video there are many different camera shots of her and Snoop Dogg. This allows the artists to have more a unique selling point as they have placed themselves in there creation to show there audience. Throughout the music video there are a lot of close-ups on Katy’s facial expressions to show the emotion behind the video. To me this helps show to audience that living in your own fantasy world is not always the wrong thing to do as you can have more fun with your own imagination. This picture of the left backs up my view of the emotion behind the moving images, as you can see behind this image she looks shocked this really tells us the audience her exact emotion. To me all of Katy Perry’s music videos always allow her to sell her albums that much easier as she is in everyone of them which shows us the audience that she is more involved in her work and allows her to be more in touch with her audience.
This music video I believe that all the actresses are on sexual display, this is a very clever way of drawing in a wider range of audience as it will draw in more men just because of the sexual fantasy. There is various different shots of Katy laying on a candy floss cloud with nothing covered bar her bottom, this will appeal to many young boys and teenagers as she is using her sex appeal to bring in her audience. There is a lyric that will allow the male audience explore there own sexual fantasy’s “sex on the beach …. With sand in our stilettos.” This is talking basically talking about women. This line to me is a stereotypical view of young adults as it portrays that they are exploring there sexual fantasy’s. To me all Her music videos have different ways of drawing in her audience for example:- In “I kissed a girl” this is more of an appeal to the men as it is more about Homosexuals, however where as “ Hot and Cold” is more of an appeal to the young teens as it is very upbeat and is dance pop. The Costumes within the whole of this music video is a sexualised display, these appeal to more men as they are all women dressed in ravelling clothing.
To me looking at this Music video is reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory as everything is made of candy and ice cream nothing else which is just like the film. However it isn’t 100% like Charlie and the Chocolate factory as in this music video they are displaying the sexualisation if women where as in the film it is more about the children and there dreams. The look of candy and ice cream to me shows a sweet and innocent side to the women but what they a wearing shows a more raunchy and sexual side which contrasts both personalities.
To me this music video is more performance based as there is no story line just a meaning behind it, however this is just my own point view on it every may have a different idea about the music video. To sum up this music video it is more performance based than anything and has a sexualised display which draws in a wide range of audience.
The video I am analysing is Katy Perry feat Snoop Dogg – California Gurls. This Dance-pop song was released on May 7th 2010, with the directors Max Martin, Dr. Luke and Benny Blanco.
At the beginning Snoop Dogg says “Greeting loved ones… Let’s take a Journey!” At this point he is putting the character on the board game. From this point he shows how life is like a game you never know what is round the corner, which helps you understand the music video. This music video doesn’t always show the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals as it shows the representation of sexuality for example: - The first Chorus Katy Perry is laying on her stomach on a candy floss cloud with it covering her bottom , this really shows the sexuality as she then puts her finger in her mouth. To me this shows her trying to be seductive to the male audience, this is also done by her lying on a cloud Naked. A lot of the visuals in this music video is created on the representation of Sexuality or the male gaze by this I mean men see women as sexual objects. Everything within the music video has been turned into a sexual fantasy for example:- When the girls walk to the ginger bread house they are wearing girl scout uniforms but they have been made to attract the male audience and not her stereotypical audience.
The relationship between the music and the visuals is very well constructed. The music is very upbeat and is a dance song whilst the upbeat music is playing the visuals creates a fantasy, non-realistic look. Near the end there is Katy Perry with a group of girls dancing to the song this shows us the audience that the genre of this music is dance-pop and will encourage the audience to join in and dance. The music changes pace when the chorus starts as it is very upbeat compared to the verses, this allows the different transitions change quicker and more accurate instead of having a slower pace of changing. Quite a few of the visuals don’t fit in with the music as the music video is more of a life story and to me has a meaning behind it “ Life is like a fantasy game as you never know what is around the corner!” There is a line near the end of the song which is a perfect example of the relationship between the music and visuals “All that ass hanging out” this is show with a close up of a girls ass in her sparkly shorts which is another sexual display.
Within Katy Perry’s music video there are many different camera shots of her and Snoop Dogg. This allows the artists to have more a unique selling point as they have placed themselves in there creation to show there audience. Throughout the music video there are a lot of close-ups on Katy’s facial expressions to show the emotion behind the video. To me this helps show to audience that living in your own fantasy world is not always the wrong thing to do as you can have more fun with your own imagination. This picture of the left backs up my view of the emotion behind the moving images, as you can see behind this image she looks shocked this really tells us the audience her exact emotion. To me all of Katy Perry’s music videos always allow her to sell her albums that much easier as she is in everyone of them which shows us the audience that she is more involved in her work and allows her to be more in touch with her audience.
This music video I believe that all the actresses are on sexual display, this is a very clever way of drawing in a wider range of audience as it will draw in more men just because of the sexual fantasy. There is various different shots of Katy laying on a candy floss cloud with nothing covered bar her bottom, this will appeal to many young boys and teenagers as she is using her sex appeal to bring in her audience. There is a lyric that will allow the male audience explore there own sexual fantasy’s “sex on the beach …. With sand in our stilettos.” This is talking basically talking about women. This line to me is a stereotypical view of young adults as it portrays that they are exploring there sexual fantasy’s. To me all Her music videos have different ways of drawing in her audience for example:- In “I kissed a girl” this is more of an appeal to the men as it is more about Homosexuals, however where as “ Hot and Cold” is more of an appeal to the young teens as it is very upbeat and is dance pop. The Costumes within the whole of this music video is a sexualised display, these appeal to more men as they are all women dressed in ravelling clothing.
To me looking at this Music video is reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory as everything is made of candy and ice cream nothing else which is just like the film. However it isn’t 100% like Charlie and the Chocolate factory as in this music video they are displaying the sexualisation if women where as in the film it is more about the children and there dreams. The look of candy and ice cream to me shows a sweet and innocent side to the women but what they a wearing shows a more raunchy and sexual side which contrasts both personalities.
To me this music video is more performance based as there is no story line just a meaning behind it, however this is just my own point view on it every may have a different idea about the music video. To sum up this music video it is more performance based than anything and has a sexualised display which draws in a wide range of audience.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
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